News & Blog
All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.
Custom Designed
We stock a whole lot of customisable looks but sometimes our customers want something designed especially for them
In this post we take a peek at some of the bespoke labels, logos and packaging products we've created over the past eighteen months...

Another Planglow Win
Bristol Post & Bath Chronicle Environmental Award.
Those lovely people at the Bristol Post have only gone and given us an Environmental Award!
Baguette Me Not
How one woman won back her customers from the deluge of coffee shop chains
Since 2003, the Baguette House prided itself on offering a fine array of sandwiches and snacks, but when an influx of coffee shop franchises took away half her business, the owner Alex Brittain decided to fight back.
Are You Suffering with FIR-a-Phobia?
The dreaded Food Information Regulations (FIR) are back
The news that most prepacked items will soon have to carry nutri declarations - by law - is sending some providers into a cold sweat! If you or someone you know is feeling fearful of the changes to come, it could be a case of FIR-a-phobia but the good news is we're here to help. Read on for our FIR-friendly guide plus details of the support on offer...
Sustainable Seal of Approval
We are simply stoked to announce we’ve become an approved supplier of the Sustainable Restaurant Association for the second year running.