All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

Are you ready for Simpler Recycling legislation?
What you need to know about the recycling changes coming to England from 1st April 2025
Under the new Simpler Recycling legislation, waste and recycling collections access England, will change for all businesses (plus schools and hospitals) with 10 or more employees, from 1st April 2025.

Unpacking Recycling for Consumers and Businesses
We Asked OPRL. They Answered on Recycling
As a leader in sustainable food service packaging, we are committed to designing products that are suitable for multiple waste stream recycling – whether that's for home composting, industrial composting, or recycling. This approach not only helps to reduce waste, but also ensures flexibility and increases sustainability.

Calorie Labelling on Menus could Save Lives
Is a new calorie labelling law on restaurant menus coming for all food businesses?
As part of a national obesity strategy, a calorie labelling law was introduced in England for businesses with 250+ employees in April 2022. Now some scientists argue calorie labelling on menus should be extended and made mandatory for all food businesses to prevent unnecessary deaths.
Owen’s Law: Allergens on Restaurant Menus
How our labelling software can help
Have you heard about Owen’s Law? It’s a proposal to make allergen information on menus a legal requirement rather than guidance. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced it will recommend such an update to the law.
New FSA allergen labelling guidance
When to add precautionary allergen labels (PAL)
The Food Standards Agency has just launched new guidance on when to add precautionary allergen labels (PAL). PAL or “may contain” labels were confusing for consumers and caterers alike and so the FSA’s consultation in 2022 was a welcome move. Now the new guidance is in, and in summary, a precautionary allergen label (PAL) should only be applied to food where there is an unavoidable risk of cross-contamination. Read on to find out more.