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Sandwiches Back on Top

The sandwich market has finally bounced back to pre-pandemic levels.

Sandwiches Account for Over a Quarter of Sales, Hot Foods One in Six

Sep 30, 2024

The sandwich market has finally bounced back from the pandemic. In 2022, we saw sales of our sandwich products - which had been in decline since lockdown - plummet to their lowest at just one in nine grab and go purchases (April 2022-March 2023). Over the preceding twelve months however, sandwiches made a phenomenal comeback as sales increased more than two-fold now laying claim to over a quarter (29%) of grab and go purchases in line with pre-pandemic sales.   


The grab and go industry was hit hard by lockdown and the subsequent mini budget in 2022. Sandwiches, salads and baked goods - even hot drinks - fell dramatically out of favour as dwindling lunchtime footfall led to an uptake in hot food-to-go and takeout offerings. Products with a shorter shelf life bore the brunt and even within the sandwich category, baguettes, bloomers, rolls and subs did not get their mojo back until 2023. Classic triangular cut sandwiches had fared much better in the post-pandemic landscape due to tamper-evident, long-life options (heat-seal and peel and seal packs that help to safeguard a longer life for sandwiches while also offering greater peace of mind) but lost momentum as the demand for freshly made, same-day products returned.    


What About Hot Foods?

The demand for hot food offerings peaked at one in five grab and go sales when sandwiches were at their lowest (April 2022 to March 2023). Last year we saw this level off at one in six however, this remains much higher than pre-pandemic levels when hot foods accounted for one in eight grab and go sales. What’s more, versatile products like our Street Food branded trays, burger box and 24oz carton are now selling in higher volumes than ever. 


Innovation Drives Growth

Hybrid working, a drive to reduce food waste, ongoing supply issues - even Natasha’s Law - have all played their part. And we very much believe that innovation is the key to growth - to the bolstering of the hot foods market, as well as the ongoing renaissance of the ambient and chilled foods markets. 


When it comes to innovation, there has been a clear shift in who is leading the way. Historically, big-name high street retailers would distil the most up and coming food trends - as well as creating their own - and quite literally feed them back to the masses with many smaller businesses following suit in then tried and tested waters. Since the pandemic however, the high street looks to have lost its way with smaller artisan businesses and intrepid foodies once again paving the way thanks, in no small part, to social media which allows them to reach a far wider and more inquisitive audience. 


The Future?

For now, both hot and cold grab and go markets have settled and while the balance between the two will of course fluctuate, we feel each has now settled into a more stable ongoing position. As for the future, a more widespread use of reusables could pave the way for another surge in the hot foods market. This said, hot foods are typically higher priced and as workers slip back into more office-based days, that once a week hot treat won’t, necessarily, be extended much beyond this. Besides, given that the humble sandwich is now 260+ years old and still going strong (last year we sold one sandwich pack every seven seconds), we don’t foresee them disappearing anytime soon. 

Planglow is an award-winning supplier of labelling software, food labels and plant-based catering disposables. Our market-leading food and drink packaging can be disposed of in a bio processor. With sector-specific experience spanning four decades, we can help you to increase the sales of your grab and go products by improving both brand recognition and customer loyalty.

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