News & Blog
All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.
The Truth about Bamboo Disposable Packaging
Is it as sustainable and safe as you think?
Bamboo has become synonymous with eco-friendliness. Bamboo takeaway packaging - disposable cups, plates, bowls, cutlery - are all promoted as a greener option. Toxicity seems a world away from this ‘sustainable’ food and drink packaging. But the Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland are advising consumers to not use plastic containers or utensils containing bamboo.
Label software integration - do more of what you love
Interview with Neil Shayle, Zupa’s Caternet
Our labelling software, LabelLogic Live is here to make our customers’ lives easier by creating legally compliant food labels efficiently. This clever food label app allows them to do more of what they do best - running their catering business or organisation. Similarly, our integration partner, Zupa, aims to “free people from mundane tasks, enabling them to focus on what they love.”
Composting 101
No Greenwashing! We break it all down in this Q&A
Green claims like 'biodegradable', and 'compostable' are frequently made about so called eco-friendly packaging and disposables, meanwhile, many consumers are still unclear what these actually mean. In this post, we get down to the nitty gritty and explain exactly what some commonly used 'eco' terms actually mean as well as what our products can and can't do.
Calorie Labelling on Menus could Save Lives
Is a new calorie labelling law on restaurant menus coming for all food businesses?
As part of a national obesity strategy, a calorie labelling law was introduced in England for businesses with 250+ employees in April 2022. Now some scientists argue calorie labelling on menus should be extended and made mandatory for all food businesses to prevent unnecessary deaths.