News & Blog
All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.
New FSA allergen labelling guidance
When to add precautionary allergen labels (PAL)
The Food Standards Agency has just launched new guidance on when to add precautionary allergen labels (PAL). PAL or “may contain” labels were confusing for consumers and caterers alike and so the FSA’s consultation in 2022 was a welcome move. Now the new guidance is in, and in summary, a precautionary allergen label (PAL) should only be applied to food where there is an unavoidable risk of cross-contamination. Read on to find out more.
Single-Use Plastics Ban FAQs
Defra's Response Regarding the English Ban
We contacted Defra requesting clarification regarding some aspects of the single-use plastics ban in England, this was their FAQ response.

Are you compliant with Natasha’s Law
We’re here for food businesses of all shapes and sizes with our one-stop-shop labelling system
What are the laws relating to labelling vegan food?
Get the lowdown on vegan food labels
‘Less (meat) is more’ initiatives and plant-based dining are gaining ever more momentum, as demonstrated by Veganuary signups which grew a whopping 75% over the past three years (from 2020 to 2023). Therefore, your food offering has never been more likely to include plant-based and vegan options, but when it comes to labelling food as ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ what is the law?

New Halal Sticker
We’ve launched a brand new dietary label
We’ve launched a brand new circular Halal Roll Sticker for schools and other food providers seeking to highlight products adhering to Islamic law.