News & Blog
All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

How To: Add Calorie Information to Food Labels & Ticketing
Creating calorie labelling in LabelLogic Live
Five-step guide for adding calorie information to your food and drink products in compliance with the Out of Home Calorie Labeling Regulations.

Over a Quarter of Businesses Were Unprepared for Natasha’s Law
+ Use of Natasha’s Law Compliant Food Labels Doubles After October Deadline
We saw a 31% uptake in subscribers to our Natasha’s Law compliant labelling app in the three months after the legislation came into force. During the first month alone, food businesses across the UK used the app to lawfully label 10 million grab and go items, doubling the previous month’s pre-deadline total of 5 million.

New look PAL, your customers’ new best friend?
Precautionary Allergen Labelling Consultation
From Natasha’s Law to PALs, allergen labelling can be confusing, so read on to discover where food service stands with the current guidance and food safety law and what the ‘may contain’ consultation means for your food business.

One-Stop Foodie Labelling Solution
Interview with Rachel Hothersall, Marketing Manager, Pilgrim Foodservice
When independent wholesaler, Pilgrim Foodservice, looked for solutions to help their customers comply with Natasha’s Law, one option stood out for its ease of use, accuracy, and customer support. We caught up with Rachel Hothersall, Marketing Manager at Pilgrim Foodservice to discover more about their business and how they’re always there for their clients, including supporting them to comply with Natasha’s Law.

Your Guide to Labelling Solutions for Natasha’s Law
Natasha’s Law FAQs Part 2
Planglow’s award-winning labelling software makes it easier for your food business to comply with Natasha’s Law. We pride ourselves on expert customer service and we’re on hand to answer any of your questions. Below are FAQS on labelling software and Natasha’s Law.