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All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

Latte Levy Fails to adddress underlying issues with disposable cups and waste.

Planglow urges Government to lift proposed consumer charge from single-use coffee cups and invest in UKs waste management infrastructure

Since its launch in 2016, Planglow has watched the single-use coffee cup debate unfold with great interest and we welcome the government’s latest report which highlights some of the challenges posed by non-recyclable products, not least to our business. However we feel that the current proposal is short-sighted as it fails to address sustainable long term solutions.

CQUIN: Achieving Compliance

Hospital Food + Service - July / August issue, 2017

Planglow's marketing director Rachael Sawtell, looks at the requirements of the latest Health and Wellbeing CQUIN scheme in the July / August 2017 issue of Hospital Food + Service Magazine.

Footloose and Gluten Free

Gluten-free offerings and how to create your own

In 2016 the gluten-free market was worth a staggering £2.6bn worldwide with sales taking one sizable - 12.6% or £323m - step up on the previous year (Euromonitor). This figure is all the more astonishing given that this expansion was three times that of the wider packaged foods market (4%). What’s more, give it another three years and sales of gluten-free products are set to grow over a third (38%) as much again reaching a giddying £3.57bn (Euromonitor). As the market continues to blow up however, it does beg the question: why are so many consumers bidding adieu to gluten? What’s more, how can you introduce a gluten-free offering?

So Hot Right Now

Three trends for spring / summer

The coming months are full to bursting with new concepts, flavours and culinary finesse. In this post, we take a peek inside the great melting pot of developing trends and simmer it down to three…

The Street Food Packaging Boom & Baguette Effect

Latest consumer sales trends for takeaway drinks, sandwiches and snacks

We sell a lot of Street Food Packaging: last year* this was more than 30 million items across England, Scotland and Wales which gives us some handy insights into the grab and go market. In this post we share some of our key findings...

Planglow is an award-winning supplier of labelling software, food labels and plant-based catering disposables. Our market-leading food and drink packaging can be disposed of in a bio processor. With sector-specific experience spanning four decades, we can help you to increase the sales of your grab and go products by improving both brand recognition and customer loyalty.

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