All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

Compostable packaging takes off
at the National Space Centre Café
At the National Space Centre cafe, visitors can explore the planet in the knowledge that the catering team are striving to protect our planet. Read on to find out more about how Planglow’s compostable packaging fits into their brand identity and adds perceived value to their delicious products.
Grill Me In
New Compostable Oven Bag / Toasty Bag
We've launched a new hot bag for toasted sandwiches and hot snacks...

Colour Me Delicious: Colourful food packaging
How to find the right colours for a new grab and go packaging range
We've launched a box-fresh new collection for 2019, the plastic-free Botanical Plus range. In this post we discuss the evolution of the range over a two year period and why finding the right colours for a new collection is never black and white. (As featured in the February issue of Sandwich and Food to Go News).

The Art of Christmas
How to develop a new festive plant-based packaging range
We launched a compostable new seasonal collection – Festive Favourites - ready for Christmas. Festive Favourites was several Christmas’s in the making but by the second week in November, the cups and deli paper had sold out. Here we discuss the importance of finding the right look in the competitive Christmas market, and how we took our latest collection from concept to out of stock...
Baguette Me Not
How one woman won back her customers from the deluge of coffee shop chains
Since 2003, the Baguette House prided itself on offering a fine array of sandwiches and snacks, but when an influx of coffee shop franchises took away half her business, the owner Alex Brittain decided to fight back.