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All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

Best-before or use-by food labelling

The lowdown on when to add “best before end” and “use- by” dates on food labels

Consumer confusion around food date labelling is contributing to the huge piles of excess food waste in the UK. Estimates are that the average Brit throws away £303 worth of food a year due to it being labelled as past its use-by date - when in reality it could be safe to eat. As most food waste ends up in landfill, it then contributes to greenhouse gases and climate change.

Scotland cracks down on single-use plastics

What does Scotland’s single-use plastics ban mean for your food business?

Scotland’s move to a circular economy will be a step closer from 1st June 2022 when a ban on single-use plastics will be introduced. A reduction in single-use packaging is backed by almost 80% of Scottish consumers, who are concerned about the volume of plastic packaging. (Zero Waste Scotland). What do these new regulations on single-use plastics mean for your foodservice or catering business? Time is running out if you need to prepare, so read on to find out more.

Counting the Calories

The New Calorie Labelling Regulations Explained

In three months it will become law for large out of home food and drink businesses to display calorie information on their products, in this blog post we break down the who’s, what’s, why's, where's and when’s, along with - perhaps most importantly - the how’s.

Over a Quarter of Businesses Were Unprepared for Natasha’s Law

+ Use of Natasha’s Law Compliant Food Labels Doubles After October Deadline

We saw a 31% uptake in subscribers to our Natasha’s Law compliant labelling app in the three months after the legislation came into force. During the first month alone, food businesses across the UK used the app to lawfully label 10 million grab and go items, doubling the previous month’s pre-deadline total of 5 million.

Natasha’s Law FAQs

Your allergen legislation questions answered

With Natasha’s Law fast approaching from 1st October 2021, many food businesses still have lots of questions about what the changes mean for their business. How can you ensure compliance? So to help, working with the Food Standards Agency (FSA), we tackled some of the most commonly asked Natasha’s Law queries.

Planglow is an award-winning supplier of labelling software, food labels and plant-based catering disposables. Our market-leading food and drink packaging can be disposed of in a bio processor. With sector-specific experience spanning four decades, we can help you to increase the sales of your grab and go products by improving both brand recognition and customer loyalty.

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