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All the latest (plus our archive) covering industry developments and updates from us.

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CQUIN: Final Deadline Arrives

Back in October 2015, NHS England launched CQUIN - three rounds of targets to reduce the volumes of high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) items on offer in healthcare environments by April 2019. With the final deadline now upon us, we take a look at what food and drink providers can still do to meet the targets.

Why It’s the Last (Plastic Drinking) Straw

Alternatives to single-use plastic

Single-use plastic straws really do suck. These plastic drinking straws end up in the world’s oceans causing havoc to marine wildlife, the biodiversity of our seas and human health through the food chain. To show the scale of the problem, it is estimated that 8.5 billion straws are thrown away in the UK each year. In April, to combat the effects of throwaway plastics on our rivers and oceans, the UK Government announced a consultation on the ban of single-use plastic drinking straws.

Are You Suffering with FIR-a-Phobia?

The dreaded Food Information Regulations (FIR) are back

The news that most prepacked items will soon have to carry nutri declarations - by law - is sending some providers into a cold sweat! If you or someone you know is feeling fearful of the changes to come, it could be a case of FIR-a-phobia but the good news is we're here to help. Read on for our FIR-friendly guide plus details of the support on offer...

Planglow is an award-winning supplier of labelling software, food labels and plant-based catering disposables. Our market-leading food and drink packaging can be disposed of in bio processor. With sector-specific experience spanning four decades, we can help you to increase the sales of your grab and go products by improving both brand recognition and customer loyalty.

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