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HOL002 - Holly 8 p/s Label

Deck the halls with our timeless kraft-finish festive food label which introduces a classic Christmas wreath border - a vintage holly and pine cone garland - to one of our best selling Natasha’s Law compliant designs. This large round label incorporates an additional fold-over panel for adding further product information - such as ingredients - on the back of the pack while also forming a breakseal. Overprint easily in our labelling app.

If you’re already using one of our other Natasha’s Law round label designs, a seasonal switcheroo to Holly couldn’t be simpler as you can use your existing template: Christmas kraf-ting without the kerfuffle.

The 8 per sheet Holly label is made for a wide range of winter fare and Christmas sandwiches, fitting both standard and deep-fill wedges, salad packs, wraps and more. Available in packs of 100 sheets so you’re not left with boxes of labels come spring.

Price per unit
H 135mm W 50mm
100 Sheets
Printer requirement
Inkjet or laser

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